Royal wedding of a lifetime.
Friday, April 29, 2011

I am just so glad to be able to watch it live.

Actually, I wasn't really keen on getting hitched someday, but after witnessing Prince William's wedding to commoner Kate Middleton (or should I say the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge?), I was floored and I immediately wanted to get married! :)) Wild thoughts definitely. I don't even have a prince to start off!

And while watching, I kept on saying to myself, "Someday, my prince will come." ;)

Suddenly, I remembered the horoscope I read for Geminis for the month of May. I found it hilarious because of a coincidence. :))

PS: Prince Harry, Y U SO CUTE? :">

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 10:09 PM☎

Prick me, prick me not
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Having a facial twice a month hurts physically and financially but I am doing this for the sake of vanity. No, I won't be one of those girls who lives basically to make herself beautiful and pimp out. I am doing this to make myself feel better, to have self-esteem, to be empowered. It won't definitely hurt if I hear positive comments about my transformation over the summer vacation right?

Oh well. Call me vain right now. :))

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 11:14 PM☎

And this transformation begins!

After watching A Crazy Little Thing Called Love for the second time, I realized that the female protagonist P'Nam is very much like me. We are both hopeless romantics, we both fell for a guy who inspired us to be better in all aspects of life, and we did everything to look better. Now, I found myself doing the third one to make myself feel better this coming academic year. Case in point? I exercised the hell out last night.

A few months back, my mom brought me to this fantastic facial care haven and since then, my face has been loads better that it was before - zitsville. My face is now 90 percent pimple free and a little whiter.

Even though I was very much tempted to have my hair cut, I resisted the urge of doing so despite the very hot weather that the Philippines is experiencing. I realized that my terrible apple cut was so awful, I need to have my long hair back. Mom was insisting before to have it rebonded again but I countered her by telling that I want to have my hair permed after my 18th birthday. She realized that permed hair looked better on me than straight hair when I unraveled my hair after putting it in a messy bun for so long.

It has been four long years since my braces was put on my teeth, and I must say that I have gone impatient. I went to the dentist yesterday to have it adjusted, and the good news was, it'll be removed three weeks from now! I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS ONE! I can't really imagine myself without my braces though, cause majority of my growing up years were spent with them.

And yes, I know how to exercise now. I officially stopped eating sweets, drinking soda and eating after 6pm. I vow to sweat out everyday via the elliptical bike, crunches and jumping rope. I do hope that before classes start, people will see a lighter me.

So there, with all these me-only-better rituals, I wish that I will meet my very own P'Shone (the male protagonist and love interest of P'Nam) come Term I. ;)

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 3:04 PM☎

These are a few of my favorite shoes.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Clockwise starting from top right:

1. Brown cut-out flats from Unlisted
2. Keds sneakers (my favorite pair)
3 and 4 Forever 21 Sandals
5. Converse slip-ons when I feel tomboyish.
6. Ichigo brogues, my latest purchase!
7. Sequined cut-out flats from Greenhills tiangge
8. Peep Toe flats from Grendha

Not in photo: my favorite wedges from Celine

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 11:03 PM☎

Monday, April 25, 2011

I refuse to be called imeldific nowadays. I'm not an avid collector of shoes anyway, but I do love sneakers and sandals.

You can just imagine my face whenever I enter Shoe Salon, which I usually visit every now and then, especially the branches in MOA and in Glorietta, since I'm a frequent mall-goer there. I feel like I'm in shoe nirvana whenever I do drop by the store, same goes with Urban Athletics! Though I don't buy a pair every time, it seems like I already did just by going inside the store and checking out the latest styles in sneakers.

I prefer sneakers made by Keds (perfect for school - stylish and comfortable at the same time) and Nike. For performance shoes, I rely on my trusty Adidas trainers given to me by my brother and on my Nike Air Max 90 which I have been using for the past three years already. Those two are the ones I use whenever I jog or when I play sports (usually basketball and volleyball).

For sandals, I don't really buy them now because I've been too lazy taking care of my toenails, so it's pretty gross to wear open-toed sandals. Forever21 is currently my favorite because of their simple and cheap sandals. I'm not a flats girl so you won't really see me wearing doll shoes.

Tomorrow, I will be buying a new pair of heels. YES, HEELS. I need one for my May thingamajigs and for other formal events, so I won't wear my favorite pair of wedges every time. This is something I will be doing with my best friend who, like me, is not a big fan of girly shoes. Yes, we both love sneakers.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 10:27 PM☎

PC's acting a little weird tonight.
Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ugh I don't know what to do. First, Tweetdeck won't open, the next, it said that "new programs were installed" wherein there's none. So much for using a counterfeit software. UGH THIS SUCKS BIG TIME. I hate my brothers. They totally wasted my dad's investment for one hell of a desktop that was bought primarily for me to use since I am the only one studying. :|

Now, I have a legit excuse to beg for a laptop so they won't be able to touch it or what. And yes, I am begging for one, I won't save up for it anymore cause I'm sick AND tired of saving up for something that big and yes, it's my parents' responsibility to buy me one.

For now, I have to make use of what's left with this technically sick desktop that I have loved for more than three years already.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 11:50 PM☎

Movie Review - Senior Year
Saturday, April 23, 2011

When I first learned about this film's existence, I was already excited for it, partly because it was shot in the school where I studied for elementary (well, I actually studied in it's branch, but anyway) and where my brothers studied for pre-school until their Senior Year in high school. I first found out about this through my friend Francis' praises (because the actors were his friends and it was shot in his school) and later on through tumblr.

Basically, Senior Year tackles about the reminiscing of the rigors of the last few months in high school of Henry, the valedictorian and his pains in doing his speech and juggling them between various activities as forces to make himself attend their high school reunion. The cast was composed by his classmates who make the story much more colorful. There's Solenn, the quintessential it-girl, Bridget, the simple girl who was played on by Briggs, the resident playboy of the batch. Sofia was a shy girl but later on, she blossomed to be a chick, thanks to Solenn, and she was Henry's secret crush. There were other notable characters such as Carlo, the outspoken soft guy, Steph, Bunda, Mitch, Chito and the teachers. This senior batch was said to be a little torn and disorganized, and this film showed why they were said to be like that.

So here goes the "review".

Despite its shallow nature, I actually found it very nice because it was able to make me, already an incoming college sophomore, the goosebumps of high school. It made me look back at my high school life in a jiffy because the problems that were shown in the film were actual problems. I think that Senior Year is the first movie of its kind here in the Philippines, though Pisay was the very first High School movie (also an Indie film) but I wasn't able to watch it so I cannot really compare. The film was able to present what it was like to be in high school during these modern times - problems regarding love, multi-tasking, the dreading thought of going to college in a few months, and so on. And the flashback worked.

The actors were effective in their respective roles, and it was helpful that the students were played by students if you know what I mean. They were not actors and I believe that Senior Year was their first acting gig. They were fresh out of high school when they filmed this, so that makes the emotions come out genuinely. And I must say, the actual students looked very much alike with their grown-up counterparts (eg Aaron Balana looked like RJ Ledesma).

I also like how the story revolved not only in school life but also in the students' family life, that life ain't no bed of roses, especially for the troubled Bunda.

But there are things that I didn't like.

I did not like the ending. Bitin. I wonder how Chito ended up because he did not have an adult representation during the homecoming, so as with Bunda. Why was she wearing her toga during the end part? And what happened during the reunion? The story could've been better if the reunion was showed, or at least a summary of what happened to the other characters because the story was left hanging.

Over-all, I'd rate this movie four stars because of it's young nature, and given that it's indie, it was a success, and will still be because there will be campus screenings. :)

I won't mind watching it again if it goes to DLSU.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 11:16 PM☎

Back from my mini-hiatus

As a part of my "sacrifice", I did not use the computer for four days, and I'm not kidding. After Monday's sojourn in Makati (LOL sojourn naman), I rested the whole day for four days. I was able to finish Stephen Chbosky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower in less than five accumulated hours in one day. Wednesday was dedicated to my greataunt cause it was her 75th birthday and she celebrated it in this Chinese resto near World Trade Center. And then of course, I had to really get off the PC during Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

I was brave enough to bring my camera to the Good Friday Procession. We have one station of the cross included, so naturally, I have been wanting to take pictures of the other stations and carosas ever since my mind was opened to the field of Photography. Luckily, my mom was okay with the fact that I had my trusty Nikko with me, so I happily snapped away! While waiting for our departure, I roamed around the Plaza and took pictures of the other participating carosas. My oh my, the flowers were so nice, compared to ours. And the Mater Dolorosa was just so fragrant. The bad thing was, the procession took a different and longer route, so naturally, everyone got really tired after it.

I'm very much inclined to all things religious, just so you know.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 9:54 PM☎

Needless to say...
Sunday, April 17, 2011

1. I was not able to audition for the Junior Jock program.
2. I got seriously pissed yesterday.
3. I'm not feeling well today, thanks to caffeine overload.
4. I'm not so affected with AJ Perez's untimely demise though I feel bad for it. I'm not really a fan, jsyk.
5. I'm going to school tomorrow to get my grade in Biology and to pass my final requirement to the Communications department so I'll finally be a legit OCM major. -_-
6. I am very much looking forward to the BG lunch tomorrow at Yakimix! Love love love!
7. It's Holy Week.
8. THE PLAYOFFS HAVE STARTED. I was awake until 5am to watch games. Proud supporter of the Chicago Bulls and the Miami Heat!
9. My room's still messy. -_- Whattup.
10. Yesterday's trip to ATC made me want to save up for more stuff like bags and sneakers!

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 6:49 PM☎

I'm DL, Bitch

There goes my helluva ride third term. Despite riding on a roller coaster ride, I still made it to the DEAN'S LIST, first honor dean's list at that, though everything's not yet final because of effin Biology shit. BUT STILL, I'M SO HAPPY TO SAY THAT I MADE IT!


Move over, bitch.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 12:58 PM☎

Verse of the day. :)
Friday, April 15, 2011

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deut. 31:6)

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 1:08 AM☎

Sometimes, we need to let go of some things in order to make room for something new.

I'm temporarily waving good bye to nights out. I'm temporarily waving good bye to these people.

These awesome guys are from Block EK. They're not my blockmates, though some of them, SOME, treat me as if I was one of them. I really do cherish the moments I've had with you guys, but as they say, good things come to an end. And endings are only a beginning of something new.

There are reasons why I decided to temporarily leave them.

One: I'll be taking up perhaps the most dreaded major subjects a student can ever have. Imagine if I fail only ONE of them, I'll be delayed for one year, though I am taking up two courses, I should never be complacent. And I'm shit scared of failing. This personal sacrifice is something I have to do in order to reach my initial goal: graduating without any failure whatsoever.

Two: I have been very bothered with someone on this picture. As a resolution so as I'd stop hurting myself further, I decided to put some distance between myself and them. He has hurt me so much and I don't want to be hurt more because every time I see him, it pierces my heart to know that he just played with me. Sayang yung memories eh, sayang.

I know it's so shallow but I think it'll be the best way for me to move on and have a life. It hurts to be away from them but I'm already starting and so far, I'm doing good. It hurts to know that they are having fun while you are stuck at home. It hurts to know that they're having the time of their lives. But yes, sometimes not having fun will do you good. 

Three: I noticed that my grades actually got lower. I need to push myself harder, thus giving up inuman nights and late night dinners with them. Not that they are bad influences, but I need to focus on my academics because I'm taking up my majors and I'm already pushing for two degrees.

I'm gonna miss you, EK. See you during senior year (my subject will be chill subjects by then). Don't you guys worry, just text me, I'll try to be there, especially during FRIDAYS. You'll be forever in my heart. Siyempre, you were there during my darkest days eh. >:D<

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 1:03 AM☎

She's the MAN!
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Us during one school party *senior year*

Only a few days left before my best friend turns 18. In our words, "pwede ka na ipakulong!"

We met only during our junior year in high school but it seems like we've known each other for so long. People were kinda shocked when they learned that we were friends, much more when they found out that we are best friends. Opposites attract, right?

Karmina is not really my exact opposite. We're both crazy AND loud and that makes us obnoxious, we both love basketball, we're always eating, we like cheesy movies, we LOVE going out, we love writing stuff and we are both hopeless romantics. She's admittedly a slacker, while I'm very much OC about my time and very meticulous about academics. She's into K-Pop, I'm one of the haters of it because I prefer rock music. She's tall, I'm small (obviously). She's mega cheerful, I'm uber moody.

During DLSU's Fair. She went. :)

During the trying times of my life, she never left. Really. Although there are times that it seems like her presence isn't felt, believe me, I feel it. She never left my side even though I'm messing up big time. I know I've disappointed her already, but she's still there, cheering me up, sharing her infectious laughter. She's the best-est friend I've ever had, and will forever be that friend whom I'll stick to until whenever whatever wherever.

One of the randomest yet most thoughtful conversations we had was during my dad's birthday, when she slept over. I was pouring out all my feelings about this recent downfall in love, you know what she said?

"Lalake lang yan Jules, marami pa diyan. Di mo siya deserve, di ka din niya deserve. Wag kang magpakalungkot. Ang pangit kaya nun para sayo!"
It's simple but jeezus, it was very meaningful for me. She never really interferes with my lovelife but here she is, comforting me. 

I'm just waiting for her to whip up her Taekwondo uniform once again (she's a black belter mind you, and she used to train for the FEU Taekwondo Team).

To my Bi Ep Ep and Ever (Best Friend Forever and Ever), Karmina Pontiveros Estrabo, have a merry 18th! I love you to pieces and you know that. *virtual hug*

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 12:35 AM☎

Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. ♥
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

[Psalm 37:4]

I'm savoring every minute in this summer vacation. I'm occupying myself with Photoshop, blogging, layout tinkering, listening to feel-good music, reading books, looking for inspirational Bible verses and playing with my little cousin Daniel.

I'm looking for shoots. I asked my brother if he can bring me to Ronac Art Center (it's near Greenhills) and let me shoot there since he's friends with the owner, as well as to his judging gigs with Fliptop, but he wasn't able to give me a decent reply. I want to bring my friends over here in Cavite but I can't. Heartbreaking. I do hope that my mom will allow me to bring along my Nikko (the DSLR) on the Good Friday procession so I can take pictures of the Stations of the Cross.

So for now, all I do is take Daniel's pictures, play with him, and if I'm tired, I open the computer and edit pictures while surfing the net and when I get tired of that, I go to my room, listen to music and read some books.

Summer 2011 so far = a little boring but the relaxation it has given me is nonetheless excellent. Say whuuut?

Dentist tomorrow. I do hope she won't notice the nicotine thingy in my teeth due to excessive smoking last month. I tried brushing them all off and I wish she won't see them. I'm shit scared about it since there's a huge tendency that both of my parents will find out this activity of mine.

Shatterday will be FUN, FUN, FUN, hopefully!

Sweet night with kisses,

Currently listening to: Silence. Seriously.
LSS-ed with: If You Ever Come Back  - The Script (hey they're coming to MNL on the weekend too bad I don't have tickets).
Craving for: Starbucks Cafe Mocha, hot.
Mood: sleepy

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 1:25 AM☎

Mom, Dad, I want to be a Junior Jock.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011


After seeing something that, okay made me feel bad again, I concluded that I should do something for myself, for my own happiness. I've been so down these past few days (maybe due to lack of activities), or should I say, weeks. I'm raring to go out, but I can't.

But then, I saw a bible verse that made my heart go, "awww."

It says: "Delight yourself in God, and He will give you the desires of your heart." (Psalm 37:4)

And then while taking a shower with the radio turned on, I heard the ad of the Junior Jock program of Magic 89.9. A light bulb moment,  should I say. I immediately thought that maybe this is the ONE that I've been waiting for.

Since I have a back-up resume saved, I fixed it and added some info about myself. Photoshopped one of my favorite self-portraits, and then added it to my "resume".

I hope my application would push through. I know my parents won't be happy about this, me = DJ-ing without pay for a year, plus the fact that hundreds of teens like me flock to the auditions. But hey, I'm eager to do this and I would definitely do my best, after all, I've been wanting to join since junior year of high school.

So yeah, the resume's printed already. I'm just waiting for Saturday's audition @ Redbox GB3.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 7:43 PM☎

Tweak freak

I have been tweaking the layouts of my tumblr and this one for two days. It's turning out to be great. I want to add some "JULIANN FLAVA" to my sites, why the heck not? After all, it's summertime, I am too bored, no words can explain how much I am stoned here at home with nothing to do.

My tumblr Layout

I'm too bored for words as I speak.

Currently craving for: cheese ice cream. Selecta plzzzz.
Listening to: NOTHING. :-"
LSS-ed with: Rihanna's S&M. "Cause I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it."
Mood: neutral.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 2:49 PM☎

What I Really Feel (An original post from my Tumblr).
Monday, April 11, 2011

I WASTED TWO MONTHS OF MY LIFE I KNEW I SHOULD’VE JUST SPENT STUDYING MY @SS OFF. I realized it when it was too late, when the term was officially over. 
I spent two months in this very unruly “relationship” if I may put it that way. Mutual Understanding perhaps is the more apt term. I wasted two months of my precious life. 
So yeah we were there cuddling, we hung out, we talked ‘till the wee hours of the morning. We never ran out of things to talk about. We usually hold each other’s hand whenever we feel like doing so. He gave me that loving feeling that I lost. He gave me the reason to smile whilst facing tremendous problems. He never made me feel bad about myself. He was always there when I needed him. We ate together, shared fries and treated each other. He would finish my meal if I couldn’t, he’d get my veggies when I hated them. We had plans for the future too.
The all of a sudden, he left me for another girl. 
The bad thing was, he did this in my face. He did it when I was around.
I resorted to vices. I smoked like there was no tomorrow and made sure he saw me smoking to make him mad. I drank until my best friend got mad because I did it with a bunch of guys (who are actually my friends, two of them were the best advice givers). That night was the worst, I drank more than my capacity, and I went overboard. I barfed here and there when I got home, I cried because of severe loneliness, but I said to myself despite the state of drunkenness, “I AM STRONG.”
I know I shouldn’t waste my time again pondering on this matter, but how couldn’t I if it still bothers me even though a month has already passed? I know I should move on. 
Looking back, he wasn’t worth every stick that I smoked. He wasn’t. He’s this dark, ugly guy who sort of cheated on me, who used me, who treated me like a princess but ended up using me as if I was a toy.
Now, I tell myself everyday that I am strong. To remind me of distancing myself to vices, I wear a rosary bracelet. To make myself forget, I cleaned my room. I’m reading some books to help me stay away from the computer and stalk him on facebook (though I deleted him as my friend).
I’m still not okay, but I am doing better.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 3:15 PM☎

If you meet me halfway...
Sunday, April 10, 2011

*blogging using my phone teehee sorry in advance for the typos*

I'm halfway done with all the cleaning. I realized that i really DO need more storage for my magazines, knickknacks, bags and shoes, and that it would be much better if i get rid of the study table like what i have mentioned in my previous post.

If only mom can read my sentiments.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 12:48 AM☎

Room overhaul 101
Saturday, April 9, 2011

I just started cleaning my room, every single part of it! See, my room has three divisions: the closet/dresser area, the study area and the sleeping area. I might completely remove the study area and make it a chillin'/like a boss area when I get a laptop and when wifi gets fixed. The closet has already been cleaned/re-arranged by style (dresses, hoodies, cardigans, dressy tops, jeans), then by color (the blacks go first, followed by the whites, browns, violets, blues, greens, yellows, oranges and then the pinks; oddly enough, I do not have a single red shirt/top in my closet). I have put away the bags I haven't used in a while, and emptied the ones I frequently use (including my favorite Jansport).

I am currently cleaning the sleeping area.

My problem is, I now lack storage area for my knickknacks and other what-have-yous because of my seemingly large collection of magazines. My unofficial count is 400, the eldest copy dating back to 2004. For the record:

2. My name has been published in three magazines, either as a winner of a contest or as a letter sender (YUCK FAN GIRL).
3. My photos have appeared in a photospread (no, not pictures of myself, but shots I took) once.

I am planning to buy an under-bed storage box to store all of my magazines, and to empty the cute animal-print storage boxes that I have so I can put there my knickknacks and bags, then my temporary bag holder will now store my shoes because my shoe rack lacks room for my new pairs and my soon-to-come pairs. I am also planning to give away the clothes of my mom that she no longer uses to usher in my latest purchases.

I say yes to this productive summer slash room overhaul! :D

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 10:41 PM☎

I'm a girl, I should buy clothes.
Friday, April 8, 2011

FOREVER 21 opens today @ SM Makati! I might go, might. Mom's asking me to buy her some meds @ Healthy Options, so yeah I might drop by as well. ;) You know, F21 packs a lot of puncccchhh. :> And yeah they're cheap and *u*ber cute!

I remember the first time I went to Forever 21 in Megamall, grabe lang opening din yun. :))

I'm actually in school, in one of the computer labs. I'm officially on vacation, I just passed my e-portfolio in Biology.

Craving for Dairy Queen's Strawberry Cheesecake Blizzard. Om nom nom nom nom!

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 11:53 AM☎

I Will - Alison Krauss

Who knows how long I’ve loved you?
You know I love you still
Will I wait a lonely lifetime?
If you want me to, I will

For (and) if I ever saw you
I didn’t catch your name
But it never really mattered
I will always feel the same

Love you forever and forever
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we’re together
Love you when we’re apart

And when at last I find you
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For (and) the things you do endear you to me
You know I will

I will

Love you forever and forever
Love you with all my heart
Love you whenever we’re together
Love you when we’re apart

And when at last I find you
Your song will fill the air
Sing it loud so I can hear you
Make it easy to be near you
For (and) the things you do endear you to me
Oh, you know I will 

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 12:41 AM☎

The control freak in me is dysfunctional.

I now have plans for the summer.


[ ] Watch Senior Year on April 13-19 @ Glorietta 4 or Trinoma Cinema. :D
[ ] Go swimming!
[ ] Jogging
[ ] Learn how to cook. I know I'm kind of old already.
[ ] Learn how to drive. Oh yeah!
[ ] Apply for a non-professional Driver's License.
[ ] S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G!
[ ] Clean/Redecorate my room.
[ ] Do a photoshoot. :D
[ ] Go to an honest-to-goodness mall hopping series alone.
[ ] Watch my favorite movies.
[ ] Improve on Photoshop skills. YEAHMEN!
[ ] Finish Paulo Coelho's The Zahir
[ ] Buy new books!

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 12:21 AM☎

One last push for Term III SY 2010-2011!
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Almost done with the Biology requirements! I'm so happy, knowing that I just have to list down all the fishes I saw at Ocean Park over the weekend (see related post). It's already 12:10 in the morning here in MNL, and I must say, I can finally feel summer. Kinda late, blame our Trimestral System.

Tomorrow, I will not eat as much. I ate too much today. Chiggy's Chicken Inasal (SOOO GOOOD!) then Dairy Queen Strawberry Cheesecake Blizzard.

I would have wanted to have a Mocha Frap, but yeah, I vowed to myself at the start of this year to drink more hot coffee.

Tomorrow, I will paint my toenails yellow. I bought new bottles of nail polish from The Face Shop (knowing that they're cheap and they last long, why not give them a try). It's another kikay day for me.

Friday: I have to go to school and pass my Biology thingy. Yaaay I'm officially done with my Frosh year! I'll miss it though.

Saturday: -_- FML. Internet the whole day. Photoshop the whole day.

Sunday: -_- FML

Monday: I shall clean and redecorate my room! It is in desperate need of a face lift.

Tuesday: Swimming with my titas. ;)

Needless to say, this summer will be awesome despite the lack of activities. I have to make the most of my last days as a minor.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 12:14 AM☎

Keep calm and get 4.0
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Went to school today to see my grade in SPEECOM (Oral Communication). I was kinda confident enough to get a passing mark, so yeah no horrible feeling whatsoever, just get a decent 1.0 and I'm okay. Guess what? I GOT A 4.0! (In DLSU, 4.0 is the highest and 0.0 is the failing mark).

Our prof told me that all of my speeches (impromptu, persuasive and panel discussion) got a 4.0 (I cannot believe it srsly) and woooah, I can't believe it. HAHA!

Ohkaaaay. That won't make any difference if I fail one subject, but I got my hopes high on making it to the DEAN'S LIST for the third time! <3

I'm inspired now. :)

When I texted my mom, her reply was: Excellente mi niña bonita! Te amo! (Very good, my pretty little girl! I love you!)

KV from my mommy. :D

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 7:01 PM☎

Still alive but barely breathing.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I am seriously bored. -_-

I want to do something productive to jumpstart my last summer as a minor. Fuck yeah, I'll be 18 in less than two month's time. I want to learn how to drive ASAP, so when mom needs a ride, I can drive for her, but yeah, our car's rarely here, what am I gonna drive?

I'm thinking about dabbling in painting. I miss drawing. The last serious drawing that I made was for our graphics class in senior year. I miss my technical pencils, which I gave away, thinking that I could always buy new ones. I am now regretting that, because I seriously miss my Staedtlers and Faber Castles. I miss lugging around a sketchbook every monday. Lately, I've been lurking around National Bookstore, canvassing... well, canvasses, acrylic paint and decent paintbrushes, as well as sketch pads and new color pencils ('cause my Faber Castles are already so worn out).

*Justin Bieber's new single suddenly plays out of nowhere, oh BTW, it's a great track, a collab with Rascal Flatts.*

I definitely would not want to stay at home and go on tumblr and facebook the whole day, nor sleep. I know I have been sleep deprived since I entered college, but sometimes, excess sleep is bad.

I should be working on my biology paper right now. :( But what the heck, here I am, procrastinating like a boss. I might go to school tomorrow, just because I feel so bored here at home.

Can someone give me tips on how to combat boredom this summer?

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 11:24 PM☎

It's 1:30 AM.

Still awake. I'm gonna go to bed in a few minutes. I just can't believe that I only need to finish the requirements for a very much minor subject (BIOLOGY) then I'm finished with my first year of college! But yeah I still have to go to school tomorrow to get my paper in Political Science. Meeeeh. T.T I'm too lazy to go but I should so I can also check out the other things I might need like the PERSEF project that Tabbi finished. :)

So much for cramming so I can't go to school. :(

At least I won't get bored tomorrow.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 1:35 AM☎

Technically speaking, I'm already on VACATION!
Monday, April 4, 2011

Our Bio prof was kind enough to make us write a final paper in lieu of a final exam, and this is due on FRIDAY, along with the portfolio he told us to make. TEEHEE! I'm so happy! So now, all I have to do is to finish our POLISCI paper, then the Bio things.

So yeah tomorrow I'm gonna clean my room and redecorate it a few days after. :)

Man, I love college. \:D/

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 3:35 PM☎

Can I just rant? Because I know that life isn't a bed of roses.

My planner is full of Bio related stuff. Nakakaasar lang cause Bio is a two-unit subject that totally has no relevance in my life as a Communications and or marketing student! TANGINA!

I have been spending so much time in Bio AND POLISCI and oh goodness can I just say that the two prerequisites for my majors are very much CHILL? As in no final what-have-yous. Samantalang these two, ohmygod sobrang mamamatay lang ako sa kakagawa ng papers.

It's already April, I need my vacation.

And it helps that I have been listening to senti songs the whole time I'm doing these crap. That was 8 in the evening, it's almost 12:30 AM. Fuck these feeling major subjects! Kill these profs.

I would have been happier if I was reading the books that I want, not these thick readings I have to finish tomorrow and integrate into this paper. Nakakadisappoint lang kasi sorry. I know that life is not a bed of roses or a walk in the park (like what others say, it is, but in Jurassic Park) but what the heck, why is this so darn hard?

Is it just me or sadyang demanding lang sa college?

Oh whatever. Some of my friends are lucky with their profs, I'm so darn unlucky in that department.

Why the heck not?

End of rant.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 12:27 AM☎

Juliann goes to Manila Ocean Park for the first time!
Sunday, April 3, 2011

I'm a kid at heart. I must say, my childhood is complete because I have visited Ocean Park. Though I have yet to set my foot on Universal Studios, I'm completely fine with the thought that I can visit there someday when all my problems are gone. :))

I needed to go to Ocean Park for our Biology alternative field trip.

At the tunnel! :D

Near the entrance.

Mom with me at the gubat part of the Oceanarium.

I dig this cool creature. Amazing marine life!

Manta Ray! Amazing Marine Life indeed!

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 8:20 PM☎


The Cereal Guy meme I made yesterday for my project.

Meme for my fellow students taking up SCIENVB. Oh yes, it is very epal in one point or another.

Whoever created, I LOVE YOU TO DEATH! <3

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 12:15 PM☎

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Lots of love and good cheer! I'm gonna be a little busy for the whole summer vacay, so yeah. :))

Oh btw, vacay starts on the 12th for me. :| Poor me.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 5:11 PM☎

This Girl can do the pretty girl rock
Me likey.
Blast from the past
Sweet nothings.
Read the Printed Word!
soprection blogskins
"Ransie (bg pattern)