Cuddle weather
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Le sigh.

Second post of the day. I should be reading the mission-vision of three companies, namely AT&T, FedEx and Toyota, for ORGWRIT class. It's not much of a task, since I'm very much into reading. I finished studying THEORYC after eating dinner. I'm hella scared for THEORYO, even though I already watched the documentary (which basically talks about how the talent managers handle their talents) and read the reading.

Thanks to the drizzly weather, I find it easy to reminisce. Bad thing I guess.

I almost ran into him earlier. Almost. I think he saw me that's why he diverted into the other way. I think I saw him, too, that's why I walked faster than my usual slow pace (which he said was sort of annoying). Good thing we didn't see each other face to face, or more unfortunately, bump into each other. I don't want that to happen. I dread the thought that the incident in my head just might happen, knowing that La Salle is a really small place.

And what a thought, I dreamed of him two nights ago.

It was just so random. He suddenly appeared out of our balcony. Then I entered our house, he was sitting on the sofa. Then the weird thing happened, we were suddenly teleported into my ORGWRIT classroom, and he was there when I entered as well. I was having a report daw, and he was there, applauding. Then I woke up.

Someone once told me that once a person appears in your dreams, he/she wants to see you/ misses you.

Back to reality on the same day the dream occured, I saw him and his girl while I was in our booth for Annual Recruitment Week, when I was supposed to buy kwek-kwek for myself and my orgmates. Now how's that for heartbreaking. My tears just flowed. I cannot stop them. So while shouting the hell off so people would join our org, I was crying. I can't help it. I was hugging the board where we posted pictures for exhibition, and I was randomly shouting still. It felt good, letting out some words out of my mouth as if I'm cursing him for what he did. But yeah, I can't just go there shouting curses on him.

Damn. Why am I even blogging this? Why am I even missing him.

To quote Adele:

Nevermind, I'll find someone like you,
I wish nothing but the best for you, too,
Don't forget me, I beg,
I remember you said,Sometimes it lasts in love,
But sometimes it hurts instead.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 10:03 PM☎

En route to one hell of a ride.

So far, college is eating up my time, like big time. I just got back from a one week hiatus because of flu, so yeah you could just imagine how I look like - sick. I still have colds and a little cough but thanks to the power of medicines, I'm getting okay by the day. Skipping school isn't good, I'm still coping up with missed activities and missed lessons, and it's hard especially when you're already taking up your majors.

I think this term will be hell term 2.0 (first one was last term), since I noticed that I never start a day without drinking at least a cup of coffee (grande sized if I drink it at starbs, two if I drink the Nescafe ones), and I eat breakfast twice. I haven't eaten a decent lunch this term - it's either I eat only mashed potatoes or kwek-kwek, since I don't really have the appetite to eat something scrumptious.

The library is my new favorite place. I stay there to finish COMALGE problem sets, read THEORYC and THEORYO readings and to read other things I need to read.

I'm supposed to buy an Ipod after COMALGE class but due to the heavy rain, I'll set it aside for tomorrow. Yaaaay!

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 10:33 AM☎

This Girl can do the pretty girl rock
Me likey.
Blast from the past
Sweet nothings.
Read the Printed Word!
soprection blogskins
"Ransie (bg pattern)