My thoughts on Christmas
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It's around the corner and this year, I am looking forward to it as if I were a 5-year old kid! I have never been so excited about Christmas ever since my lolo and great grand mother passed away, but this year, that Christmas spirit is once again alive in my soul.

My parents are also thrilled to decorate our house with their growing collection of anything Santa Claus! My dad started it, and my mom followed suit. Mom even bought matching curtains so our house will look like a Christmas village come the Holidays. Just last night, we bought those rope lights shaped into Santa and his Reindeers! Our neighbor installed it this afternoon and two hours ago, my aunt turned it on. It looked so good, even from afar. Dad is even planning on buying more lanterns to adorn our garden. Talk about obsessed with Christmas-related stuff! He is the one who started this Christmas fever after all, because he started playing Christmas songs as early as September 1st. . Now, there are more reasons for me to stay indoors every weekend.

As I am typing this, I am actually listening to my Christmas playlist on my itunes! Even my laptop has this Christmas-y vibe. :)

With regards to my Annual Christmas Wishlist, I only want one thing this year: an ipod touch, yes, similar to the one I lost. I miss it every now and then. Charlie, as I affectionately call my ipod, has been a part of my everyday life and until now, even if he got stolen for 3 weeks already, I still can't function normally without him :( It's like losing a boyfriend.

I can't wait to finish second term, so I can finally rest from all the post-production stress, accounting problems, business cases, investment problems, economic graphs, research variables and brochure designs! I can't wait to spend mornings sipping Swiss Miss and eating Majestic Ham, instead of bacon and coffee (terrible combination, I know).

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 9:32 PM☎

I am always yours.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Lining up in the elevator fifteen minutes before one, there I was standing, with my backpack and laptop in tow. my eyes are loitering around, looking for something I know will never come back. It hurts to know that the one thing you have always wanted is the wrong thing, the wrong love, the love that was not supposed to happen, but it did. Having seen familiar faces waiting for their turn to ride the lift in order for them to go to their desired floors, I was so eager to see you, though I know what would happen: you will just wave.

And there you went passing by without noticing my presence, with your every step that went the opposite direction, my heart went sobbing. Switchfoot's Always started playing on my head as if my life was a TV series, and this scene would be the one where the male protagonist is temporarily leaving the female protagonist to seek the great perhaps. Then I imagine the guy hugging the girl so tightly and then they would never let go, but they did. This was happening on a sunset, with the sun constantly changing the sky's colors from yellow to orange to pink to lavender to a deep purple. What a lovely picture, ironic to what was happening.

Then the elevator door opened, and I was to enter so I can reach my destination, Math class.

I was still thinking upon reaching our classroom. 30 quick minutes passed and it was declared as a free cut, so I went down to my usual spot, where me and my friends often hang out. At this point, my attention was somehow diverted, thanks to the sense of urgency that came upon me, to do my video presentation's story board. The moment I finished the said task, I chatted with some friends, then decided to read the school newspaper. It was already 2:30, dismissal time for the 1pm class.

I was reading this very interesting article until I saw a familiar pair of sneakers below the newspaper I was holding. "This looks so familiar," I said to myself, thinking for five seconds until I felt something on my head and decided to lift my head and look on who was in front of me.

It was him. Just as I was looking for him more than an hour ago.

But no, I had to shove him away. He was in an unfamiliar territory so to speak, and being the better person, I decided to push him away verbally, but still injecting some kindness. I even asked him if he still has a class and where he was going until I realized I should not go with him like we used to.

Then I had to tell him, "get out".

It was very painful. It hit me where it hurts the most, but my mind was telling me that I did the right thing. My heart was bleeding inside, not knowing how it would react to this sudden burst of emotion.

I don't know what to do next.

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 10:04 PM☎

Diamonds from Sierra Leone
Friday, October 14, 2011

What a roller coaster ride kind of week!

MONDAY - Lost my dearest ipod to a thief in the bus on my way home! Good bye 32gb worth of music and movies, as well as memories! <//3

TUESDAY - My laptop's battery got locked with one of it's edges protruding. Schnap. It kept on loosening, hence shutting down without notice.

WEDNESDAY - Encountered some weirdos on my way home. Fuck commuting and everything about it.

THURSDAY - Got my fix of Chicboy! It's so deelish, it's worth every cent! Had my laptop fixed in HP's service center in Bel Air, very near Fiamma actually.

FRIDAY (Today) - Hurrah for Birthdays! Celebrated Charlene's birthday in Beach House, a drinking place near school. Lots of fun with my Santugon family (all colleges represented hehe)! SANTUGON IS LOVEEEE. Went to BSG meeting too, it was so wild, everyone was just so hyper, well not everyone, just a selected few but their happiness was just too infectious!

Sorry for my sabog state, I had a couple of bottles of beer and yes I'm still tipsy as I am writing this. Good thing my parents never notice the difference between the tipsy/drunken me and the normal me. :)

SATURDAY (tomorrow) - It will be a sad day for my family, mom's side as we will bid our final goodbye to our dearest Tita Mabie, who will be laid to rest. She's one of my favorite aunts ever, and no one could ever replace her. Rest in Paradise, Tita Mabie! Remember that I love you. :) Please watch over me wherever you may be. :')

SUNDAY - Must attend mass, and repent. :)

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 10:46 PM☎

I hate you (reverse psychology)!
Monday, October 3, 2011

I keep on telling you how much i hate you. You keep on telling me you love me. Guess what? That's my way of telling you that i love you too! :">

LOVE IS IN THE AIR and this time I mean it. :)

Miss Cranky Pants told the world @ 11:07 AM☎

This Girl can do the pretty girl rock
Me likey.
Blast from the past
Sweet nothings.
Read the Printed Word!
soprection blogskins
"Ransie (bg pattern)